Beware Out Of Appointment Alluvion Maps

Bloomberg believes that outdated FEMA inundation maps could hold upward 1 argue why less than 1 inward 4 homes inward Hitchcock, Texas had inundation insurance when Hurricane Harvey hit. The Federal Emergency Management Agency hasn't updated the nutrient maps inward the expanse since the early on 1980's. This may accept led local residents to accept a imitation feel of the likelihood of floods inward their neighborhood. Hitchcock is non the exclusively town inward the U.S. of A. of America amongst an outdated inundation map.
Bloomberg's FEMA's Faulty Flood Maps includes an interactive map which allows you lot to persuasion the 'effective date' for FEMA inundation maps. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 choropleth layer provides an overview of the historic catamenia of FEMA's inundation maps yesteryear place across the United States. If you lot zoom inward labels look on the map revealing the actual appointment when the inundation map inward that expanse was concluding updated.
FEMA says that decreases to its funding is a large argue why then many inundation maps are out of date.